Monday, April 25, 2011


I am now at the point that I remember why I went back to work.  I clean the kitchen at least 3-4 times a day...after breakfast, after my lunch (if I am home to eat...), after snack for the kids, after dinner, after snack before bed........  When I stayed at home before, I had 2 toddlers.  Now, I have 2nd and 1st graders. I have cleaned out 1/2 the garage, kids' memorabilia, my closet, kids dressers, but still have a lot to go.....  I also have helped plan for our church's VBS.  Ok, I have atteneded 1 1/2 meetings and pretended to know something... { ;) Katie and Kendall} I purchase the food for the FUEL program for our church (they send home food for needy kids on the weekend).  I also got back into exercising.  I have been walking a lot.  Thanks to my friend, Heidi, for making me work out!  Now, with all the rain, I have to hit the treadmill!  :(    So, I stay busy.  My house isn't a museum (as my husband refers to those that don't look lived in).  But, I know it could look better. 
As far as my girls.........  I can tell that they are handling the deployment better than before.  I am not sure if this is due to time, counseling, new school situation getting settled, or just life.....  But, whatever it is, I am glad for it.  We still have issues but not like before.  D and RJ are doing so much better in school than they did in the beginning.  They seem to have settled in and their teachers are great! 
So, my new mission is to find somewhere to volunteer once a week to help a veteran.  I need to pay it forward.  Any and all suggestions are welcomed.  I talked to the counselor about this last week as she is involved in the military daily. 
We are almost at the 3 month mark.....I will go and enjoy my day at the spa for our anniversary tomorrow.  :)

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