Monday, May 16, 2011

busy, busy, busy

I can't believe it has been 13 days since I last blogged.  Since the last blog I fell and hurt my foot (ouch! Happy Mother's Day!!!), cleaned out most of the basement, prepared for a recital, hosted my in-laws (from last Friday until this morning),  helped the girls with their recital, and prepared to have one of my best friends to come tomorrow.  It's been good to be busy but also exhausting.  I am looking forward to slowing down some and enjoying time with Alethea.  But, those of you who know me, know that slowing down is not stopping....  I have to go shopping and prepare for a party on Saturday night.  This is something I have been looking forward to since I began planning it about 1 1/2-2 months ago.  Usually I have a group of friends at a time over.  This time, I am inviting friends from all of my walks of life.  I have friends from childhood coming, family, friends from teaching, friends from church, etc... It is going to be great!  I can't wait!!!  I kind of feel like I am in high school again.  I remember being a senior in high school.  I sat in child psychology between a friend who went to see Rocky Horror Picture Show, rented hotel rooms, smoked pot (?or used other drugs) and a friend who wouldn't do anything illegal if her life depended on it.  Well, I know where each of them are now (thanks to Facebook) and it isn't where I expected back in high school!!!!  I knew that there was one who was much smarter than the other and hoped that she would recognize and fulfill her potential (NOTICE THE TEACHER LINGO!!!  I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL THINKING THAT!!!).  Thank goodness she did!  I knew she was bright!  Anyways, I am saying that to say that I am somewhat nervous about them all being in the same space.  Why?  I have NO idea!!!  I think it will be a great time with great people!  I think that each of my friends are in my life for a specific purpose.  Some allow me to laugh, others allow me to cry.  Some I call on when I haven't heard from E for 2 days and they allow me to totally stress out!  Some I call only when I am in a good mood while others I tend to call when I am weak.  I have friends who rely on me more than I rely on them.  I love the dynamics that friendship brings.  And, I love having parties.  I can't believe that E won't be here to celebrate.  My excuse?  I will get it all figured out this year and make a bigger event next year!!!  :)  After all, by that time we will have KEGS of beer brewed by my hubby!
So, here I go, off on another week of fun, adventure, and SOME relaxation...................