Thursday, March 31, 2011

And...the winner is...ME!

And, you're thinking, "Wow! Amy won something!" or "What did she win?"  I won "The Worst Mother in the World Award!"  How did I win this?  I spent my morning getting my hair stylist is good but s-l-o-w...Then, I followed that with a wonderful, relaxing lunch at Pancho Villa with my dear friend, Martha, whom I haven't seen since she began radiation due to Hodgkins Lymphoma.  Next, I went to the new Gyn office to make an appointment.  Why didn't I just call?  Because the machine says that you have to come in in person to receive the forms before they make you an appointment!  So, after an hour in the office filling out forms and waiting while the secretary types all 5 pages into a computer format on her computer...and finally make me an appointment.  After making the appointment, she had to get me a username and password for her database.  When I got home, I had to spend another 45 minutes filling out my medical history online.  I know, I know...this is more efficient for the doctor's office.  But, dang, it's like the "self check-out" lane at Wal-Mart and Kroger.  I DON'T USE THEM UNLESS IT'S AN EMERGENCY!!! And, since my previous Gyn was in the wrong "region" and insurance finally figured it out, I can't go see her.  See, she knows me, my mom, sisters, children.... 

When the girls got home, they got a 15 minute reprieve from work before they started their homework.  Well, 30 minutes if you include dinner at 4:30... They don't have much but the spelling works have kicked their butts!  So, after dinner, was spelling pre-test #3.  (they stunk!!) Off to soccer for RJ in the cold.  This was followed by having them have a snack because they were "starving!!!!!!!" After snack (and supposedly writing the spelling words they missed 10x each), I found out they didn't write their words!!!  Before you start judging me about 10x is too many...It starts with 3 on Tuesday, 5 on Wednesday, and 10 on Thursday.  Well, after RJ failed the pretest after NOT writing the words like she said she did, I lost it!  And, this is where the award comes in........I had to call MY Mom to calm me down.  I just couldn't believe that it was Thursday night and we are still missing the same words and it is because you didn't write the words 5x each like you said you did (liar!!) and you didn't write them 10x each tonight!!! So, I TOTALLY LOST IT!!! Really, I am a Mom and I have a Master's Degree in Education and my kids think that they can "sneak" and not do their homework????  REALLY?????  Don't think so.

So, of course it got worse before it got better.  I feel so bad when I get upset with them but I believe if they listened to me the first time and did what I said, they would do better on the pre-test today.  They will pay by getting up 10 minutes earlier tomorrow morning and take another pretest and see where we are.  I really love my kids and I am so glad that they are smart.  If they had learning disabilities, I would understand...but they are just being stubborn.

We are still trying to get settled into this new routine that started on February 6th!  Something changes every week.  Tomorrow night is Zumba followed by beer and pizza with friends...  I am ready!  And, I am going to bring my "Worst Mother of the Year" award with me!!!  It can only get better, right???  Routine is around the corner right????????

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