Friday, February 18, 2011

Absence of calls, and now a fever...................

So, we haven't had any contact with Eric since Wednesday am...  I know that this is typical and he has been busy.  But, it doesn't make the lack of phone calls any easier.  It really isn't about the phone call itself.  It is about the complete emptiness I feel when I hear nothing.  It is hard to believe that we are back at this point. At the point where I accept going 24-72 hours without any communication as normal and acceptable.  I wait by the phone between 9-11 pm hoping that I hear the phone ring.  But, it hasn't.  I love that man more than life itself.  I hope that I hear from him tonight.  I have had a not-so-great day... I want to talk things over with him.  I have talked to a number of friends today to gain some perspective but the best person for that is that man I call my husband!  I want to tell him that RJ coughed all night and cried in her sleep.  I want to tell him that the dog wanted to sleep outside last night and didn't bark until I actually had fallen asleep at 5:00 am.  The last time I remember seeing the clock it was 3:30 or so.  I want to tell him that although she didn't have a fever this morning, she told me she didn't feel well. And, I know she wasn't feeling well.  Her normal temperature is low and her temperature this morning was 98.7.   I gave her some mucinex for the cough and off to school we went.  She was even in my boss' office during our staff meeting in another room.  She ran a fever even on Motrin and Tylenol.  She is feeling better with 2 doses of Tylenol and one of Motrin in her.  but, she still looks sick.  I want to tell him I wish he was here to help me, to hold me when I cry because our baby has a fever.  I want him here to help get up in the middle of the night so we keep the medicine in her.  I cannot imagine what someone must feel with the loss of a spouse.  I have known people who have lost their spouse in war. But, they have not been close friends.  So, I know that this must be a pain that is far worse than those that I am feeling.  I cannot imagine that feeling so I don't want to whine.  I feel like everyone has their own struggles and mine are not any larger than anyone else's.  Thank you for all of my friends and family that have supported me and continue to support me.  I could not do that without you!!!!!

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